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Retreat Offerings

Choose the retreat style that speaks to you

Retreat Offerings

Retreat Themes:
Womens’ Spirituality focuses on feminine energy and explores women and their depictions in Holy Scripture. We witness the lives Ruth, Judith, Our Lady Mary, mother of Jesus, and women of the bible who encountered Jesus.
Inviting the Mystics explores the lives of mystics and their spiritual journeys. Retreatants have the opportunity to notice similarities they have with mystics or notice the mystic within themselves. We will work with you to choose mystics to experience such as St. Theresa of Avila, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Venerable Henriette Delile, or Reverend Howard Thurmond.
Faith and Love over Fear gives retreatants some time to recalibrate and reconnect after dealing with daily life stressors or times of hardship. Psalms and biblical accounts that remind us that God is more powerful than our troubles are our focus for this retreat.
Special Topics retreats are planned in coordination with your group to deliver a custom experience focusing on themes specific to the group.

Any of the themes can be formatted as one- or two-day retreats.

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